SET “A" (Return to the STORE page and Scroll down to read a few Meditations!)
I hope these meditations help you FIND THE SACRED IN SUCH ORDINARY THINGS AS ...
January - A Key (we have the power to open ANY doors before us…go where we choose…)
February - The Color Red (Passion, Love, be the love we are called to be for others & ourselves)
March - A Calendar (The gift of time – 40 seconds, hours, days - small steps to becoming NEW)
April - A Stone (Easter – setting down the old & heavy burdens we carry with us through life)
May - A Button (“holds us together”, Integrity, becoming “real” – the same inside and out)
June - A Map (get out and see the world – it ALL belongs to us, its treasures are there for you…)
July - A Cup of Tea (a manuscript of “Tea with God”… what God might say over a warm cup)
August - Email (a message from the universe or God, what would it say? Would we delete it?)
September - Grass (Fresh, living, if God can raise this from dirt, what can He raise up from us?)
October - A Bandage (healing, being whole, becoming well, recognizing the powers in us to heal)
November - A Candle (favorite memories of candlelight? People are drawn to the light in me…)
December - A Gift (How profound the gifts we are given by God, freely, no strings. YOU are a gift!)
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