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SET “B"   (Return to the STORE page and Scroll down to read a few Meditations!)

I hope these meditations help you FIND THE SACRED IN SUCH ORDINARY THINGS AS ...
January - A Star
(Wishing on a star, who or what is YOUR “North Star”, what guides you?)
February - A Heart (No longer need to “hide your heart” – from God or others, “hide-n-seek” is over)
March - “Change” - we all experience it, try to embrace it, we’re ALL good in God’s sight
April - A Nail (Nails hold important things together, held Jesus to His cross and to His promise)
May - A Shoe (who taught YOU to take your 1st step? … about walking w/ pride & integrity?)
June - A Mirror (mirrors are honest, clear & reflective… hard to look into sometimes, but we have to remember that God sees Himself deep inside each of US when He looks within…)
July - A Feather (wouldn’t you love to fly?! YOU are like a feather . . . FREE to be lifted and carried by the holy winds, and able to surrender to where they want to take you)
August - A Newspaper (OUR LIVES are the Good News to the world around us every day, our words and actions – our “life story” - teach all those we touch about the Living God…)
September - A Ruler (What do YOU use to measure yourself? How do you measure up in God’s eyes?  
October – Leaves (Leaves are connected to the Source, like you and I… sometimes we fall, can get trampled, but will always be connected to that Source of life)
November - A Thank You Card (What do YOU have to be GRATEFUL for?)
December - A Blanket (Much like the Christ Child, you and I were likely wrapped in a blanket in our first moments here – what else do we share in common with this Christ Child?)  

(Set "B") 12 Sacred Findings Meditation & Gift Cards

SKU: SF102
$39.99 Regular Price
$20.00Sale Price
Excluding Sales Tax
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